23 Oct 2023
2 min read

Understanding the Minnesota Retail Delivery Fee

What is this new Minnesota Retail Delivery Fee (RDF)? Let's break it down.
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Starting July 1, 2024, a significant change is set to impact retail deliveries in Minnesota. To ensure you are well-informed, let's delve into the details of the newly imposed Minnesota Retail Delivery Fee (RDF). From this date forward, a fee of 50 cents will be levied on each transaction amounting to $100 or more for retail deliveries within the state. This fee, applicable once per transaction, aims to streamline the delivery process, irrespective of the number of shipments required to fulfill your order.

What is the Minnesota Retail Delivery Fee?

The Minnesota Retail Delivery Fee, effective from July 1, 2024, is a 50-cent charge imposed on transactions exceeding $100 that involve retail deliveries within the state. Regardless of whether your purchase requires one shipment or multiple deliveries, this fee will apply only once per transaction. The implementation of this fee seeks to enhance the efficiency of the retail delivery system and ensure a seamless shopping experience for customers.

Key Points to Remember

Effective Date: Commencing on July 1, 2024, the RDF will be applicable to all eligible retail transactions in Minnesota.

Transaction Threshold: The fee is applicable to transactions of $100 or more, providing a standardized approach to larger purchases.

Single Application: Regardless of the number of shipments required to fulfill your order, the fee will be applied only once per transaction, simplifying the fee structure for consumers.

Benefits of the Minnesota Retail Delivery Fee

Streamlined Process: By applying the RDF per transaction, the retail delivery process becomes more streamlined, allowing for efficient handling and faster deliveries.

Transparent Costing: Customers will have a clear understanding of the additional charge, promoting transparency in the retail industry.

Supporting Local Economy: The revenue generated from this fee can contribute to supporting local businesses, ensuring their sustainability and growth within the state.


Starting July 1, 2024, the Minnesota Retail Delivery Fee of 50 cents per transaction for purchases exceeding $100 will play a crucial role in enhancing the retail delivery experience for consumers statewide. By simplifying the fee structure and ensuring transparency, this initiative aims to benefit both consumers and local businesses.
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